Greetings from Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia.

The Second International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2023 is hosted by Department of Mathematics Education Universitas Pattimura (formally abbreviated as The 2nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti). Like the previous one, The 2nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti will be held on virtually (webinar) on October 2nd, 2023.

We welcome scientists and researchers on Mathematics and Matematics Education to participate in The 2nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti in order to share new ideas and knowledge that can lead to trigger more innovation in teaching and learning mathematics regarding to theme of The 2nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti. Theme of this virtual conference is “Implementation of Teaching and Learning Mathematics in The Era of Independent Curriculum.”

Main issue of this theme is Independent Curriculum as a hot topic currently in Indonesia following the policy of Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbudristek) to apply Independent Curriculum (in Bahasa Indonesia called as Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar) as National Curriculum. Regarding to theme, the aim of The 2nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti is to be a scientific platform for scientists, researchers, and educators to exchange and share information about current innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education in terms of research results, literature studies, and their application in teaching and learning mathematics. Eventually the outcome of this virtual conference is expected to provide deep insight for educators about the better ways to teach mathematics in the era of Independent Curriculum.

Topics of The 2nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti include:

  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy
  • Applied Mathematics in Physics
  • Mathematical Modelling in Physics
  • HOTS in Mathematics Education
  • STEM in Mathematics Education
  • ICT in Mathematics & Mathematics Education
  • AI in Mathematics & Mathematics Education

The Speakers of The 2nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti are scientists and lecturers that really experienced in their field of expertise for years.

Finally, we are delighted to welcome you all and look forward to your participation in virtual conference The 2nd ICMMEd 2023 FKIP Unpatti on October 2nd, 2023.

Darma Andreas Ngilawajan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Chairman of Organizing Committee