First of all, I would like to thank to God Almighty for His blessing to all of us so that the Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMMEd) was published. The Committee be thankful to keynote speaker: Prof. Trena L. Wilkerson, Ph.D from Baylor University Texas, USA who is also the president of NCTM, Prof. Ts. Dr. Muhammad Hisyam Lee from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Prof. Jose Maria P. Balmaceda from University of the Philippines, Prof. Naoyasu Kita, Ph.D from Kumamoto University, Kyusu Japan, Prof. Allan L. White, Ph.D from University of Western Sydney, Australia and Dr. Panupong Vichitkunakorn from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. Dr. Muchtadi Intan Detiena, M.Si, from ITB, Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, M.Si from Gadjah Mada University and Dr. Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, M.Pd from Ahmad Dahlan University as invited speaker.
The theme of ICMMEd 2020 is “Improving Mathematics Skills for New Normal Education” held on November 24, 2020 via Online System could take place successfully. The goal of this conference is to provide a forum for scientists, researchers, and educators to disseminate and exchange information about the results of current research and advances on various aspects in the field of Mathematics and Mathematics Education. We are gathering of scientists and researchers from nationwide and global world interested in Mathematics and Mathematics Education to share new ideas with colleagues and make new friends.
This Conference is the first international conference which held by Department of Mathematics Education of Pattimura University, Maluku Indonesia. We hope this conference to be continue in the following years. Hopefully the knowledge and experience we receive in this conference can enrich us in improving mathematics skills for new normal education.
Thank you
Chairman of the 1st ICMMEd 2020
Dr. Christina M. Laamena, M.Sc.